Sabtu, 19 Maret 2016

Download iFlat - Responsive Admin Web App



"iFlat" is a fully responsive admin web App built with AngularJS and Bootstrap. It use Sass CSS which makes it easy to modify.
Prefer to use LESS CSS? Check out my bestselling Flatify Admin


  • Responsive Design.
  • Web App (Single Page Application) Built with AngularJSFully AJAX powered, never refresh the entire page again. Faster, smoother.
  • Runnable Task Application. Try it out.
  • Internationalization (i18n) and Localization (l10n) support. Add English, Español(Spanish), 日本語(Japanese), 中文(Chinese), Deutsch(German), français(French), Italiano(Italian), Portugal(Portuguese), Русский язык(Russian), 한국어(Korean) for demo.
  • Solid Workflow with Yeoman, dependencies (plugins) managment with Twitter Bower, tasks automation with Grunt just like Twitter Bootstrap project , make all things organised.
  • Realtime Form Validation.
  • Build with Sass CSS (Scss files are included). Easy modification with variables.
  • Multiple Colors Support, you can build your own by change a few variables.
  • Light Weight.
  • Built with Bootstrap 3.
  • Valid HTML5 and CSS3
  • Cross Browsers
  • And much more.


  • Bootstrap The most popular front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
  • jQuery write less, do more.
  • AngularJS HTML enhanced for web Apps!
  • angular-bootstrap Native AngularJS (Angular) directives for Twitter's Bootstrap.
  • YeomanTwitter BowerGrunt for modern web Apps.
  • Font Awesome the awesome icon fonts.
  • UnderscoreJS JavaScript's utility _ belt
  • Toastr Simple javascript toast notifications
  • bootstrap-slider simple range slider
  • bootstrap-file-input Standardizes the file input field to look like a Bootstrap button in all browsers
  • holderjs Holder renders image placeholders entirely on the client side.
  • jquery.easy-pie-chart a lightweight plugin to draw simple, animated pie charts for single values
  • morris.js Pretty time-series line graphs
  • flot Attractive JavaScript charts for jQuery
  • gauge.js 100% native and cool looking JavaScript gauge
  • jquery-spinner A Number-Spinner based-on jQuery, Support Keyboard operations and continuous changing.
  • jquery-steps A powerful jQuery wizard plugin that supports accessibility and HTML5.
  • depositphotos Royalty-Free Stock Photos


VERSION 1.4 (02/18/2015)
  • Feat: Feat: Upgrade Bower packages to latest version, including font-awesome (4.3.x), angular-bootstrap (0.12.x), seiyria-bootstrap-slider (4.4.x), gauge.js (1.2.x)
  • Fix: Fix button icons on for sign in and sign up page
  • Fix: Remove ugly underline when focus for sidebar items
  • Docs: Update docs
  • Chore: Update 404 page link
VERSION 1.3 (11/14/2014)
  • Feat: Upgrade Bootstrap to 3.3.x
  • Feat: The start of upgrade angular-bootstrap from 0.10.x to 0.11.x
  • Feat: Optimize timeline on mobile
  • Feat: Better radio and checkbox
  • Feat: Upgrade "seiyria-bootstrap-slider" to the latest version, i.e. 4.0.x
  • Feat: Upgrade Font-awesome, Toastr, Underscore, jQuery-steps to the latest version
  • Feat: Update NPM packages to the latest version
  • Feat: Update button style
  • Fix: Update table markup, remove buggy responsive table by Zurb
  • Fix: Hide select arrow in Firefox 30+, thanks @calidae
  • Chore: Update index.html to make it HTML5 valid
  • Chore: Add changeling file
  • Chore: Allow you also to run it with "grunt serve"
VERSION 1.2 (08/20/2014)
  • Feat: Upgrade Bootstrap to 3.2.x
  • Feat: Update jQuery, Font awesome, jQuery steps to latest version
  • Chore: Clean up
VERSION 1.1 (05/10/2014)
  • Feat: Add timeline component
  • Feat: update tab style
  • Feat: update internationalization (i18n) content
  • Fix: fix flot tooltip fail to show bug
  • Fix: fix tooltip, popover weird shift on show bug
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