Kamis, 14 April 2016

Download Open Mind - Customizable Template


Awesome web template fully customizable and adaptable. Over 15 different colors. Need more? Contact us.

Update 1.1

  • Add Back to top Link
  • New Coming Soon Page
  • New Timeline Page
  • New Home Page Option
  • New Box Content Component
  • New Slideshow Image Component
  • New Icon Box Component
  • Fix Outline Firefox


  • Responsive
  • More than 15 colors
  • Google Fonts
  • Awesone font
  • Lightbox
  • Customizable widgets
  • reference pages
  • 26 HTML Templates
  • Include Syntax Highlighter
  • After-sales support


  • Home
  • Home Option 2 (New)
  • Timeline Page (New)
  • About us
  • Profile
  • Error 404
  • Team
  • Faq
  • Pricing
  • Contact
  • Coming Soon
  • Register
  • Login
  • Services
  • Full Page
  • Blog Right Sidebar
  • Blog Left Sidebar
  • Blog Full
  • Blog Other Option
  • Blog Single (Post)
  • Protfolio
  • Portfolio Other Option
  • Portfolio Item
  • Components page reference
  • Aditional Components page reference
  • CSS page reference
  • Layout Reference

Coming Soon

  • Wordpress version
  • More Page Templates
  • More Components


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